Thursday, April 18, 2013

to vote or not to vote

To a certain extent, I feel like I have been brainwashed to vote. How could I avoid the rhetoric? The constant refrain that all we need to do is get the youth voter turnout up. Then change will happen. Then... what? We'll revel in the socially liberalism that so many of us dream of and the older fogey conservatives can suck it?

Does anyone think it's really that simple?

It's not. The system is broken and corrupt and choosing between the lesser of two evils seems like a shitty way to make change happen. Maybe my ideals are radical but I just don't feel like the ripples from the pebbles I've been throwing are good enough. Things are pretty bad. We need people to start moving boulders and stop putting eggs into the baskets of people who lie for a living.

Then again, I don't really know what I'm talking about. But neither do they.

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