Monday, April 22, 2013

juxtaposition, or, I use big words because I can

I don't really want to write a blog today. I've written blogs for twenty of the last twenty one days and I'm kind of really tired. I say kind of a lot. Okay, so I've had more than my usual amount of wine tonight and it's made me very sleepy. Also tipsy. Mostly sleepy.

Now I'm watching Star Trek. Sort of. It's on in the background.

So you might have realized this is one of those filler blogs. I'm just going to talk about my day until I get too sleepy to do even that. Feel free to go back to tumbling or whatever. I won't be hurt.

I had a really awesome day. I dyed Rachel's hair and ate a delicious egg sandwich and called three churches. And it's weird because yesterday was mildly shitty. But today has been awesome in an unadulterated fashion. The juxtaposition of shitty and awesome is pretty remarkable in my life.

Now I have to go because I'm being kicked out of the living room. Okay bye.

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