Saturday, April 13, 2013

my current favourite teas

I was accused of having a tea addiction today, at which I take offense. First of all, addiction implies that it's an issue. Secondly, I can stop anytime I want.*

I am, however, inspired to quantify what is not an addiction in a list of my favourite teas at the present moment.
  1. Lady Londonderry. This stuff smells like gummy bears. Enough has been said. First tasted when served by my lovely friend, Hannah.
  2. Sweet Rose. It's like drinking delicious flower petals. *swoon* Brings back memories of cooking class, where I drink this stuff by the pitcher.
  3. Egyptian Licorice. This tea is actually so sweet on it's own, it is mildly deceiving. I drank a lot of Egyptian Licorice tea at a grad retreat where I told a story about getting chased by a German Shepard. Good times.
  4. Dream Tea. This blend is a mix of I don't even know what but it's all these things with dream enhancing properties and it's freaking trippy and awesome. I am not in any way addicted to this stuff.**
  5. Black Dilmah Ceylon. No day is complete without an extremely hot cup of black tea with milk and a dash of sugar.
If you have any tea suggestions for me, I would love to hear them. Aside from that, happy tea drinking, and goodnight.

**More lies.

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