Saturday, April 27, 2013

spring appreciation post

It bothers me that though I can call images and sounds to mind, I can't recreate smells inside my head. If I could, I would backdrop my life with scents related to rain.

I. Freaking. Love. Rain.

I love days that can start with clouds, threaten rain, actually rain and then allow the sun a guest appearance before it sets. I love the anticipation of rain, the heavy air filled with moisture. I love the smells and colours that are recreated after a shower, like a layer of paint has been peeled off the world to reveal something brighter and more vibrant.

I love the breezes that make the hot sunshine bearable. I love feeling comfortable in a t-shirt and my Toms. I love the light that stays past 7:30. I love the baseball games that have started up at the diamond a block from my house. I love the sheer possibility of spring.

And maybe it's irrational. Maybe a girl who says things like, "Time is something we've created to make sense of our meaningless lives," shouldn't be saying what I'm about to, but hell. I can't help but feel as if spring loves me back.

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