Thursday, April 4, 2013

tea (feel free to not read this) (this is not Lemony Snicket bullshit I'm serious)

I really love tea. It is a very rare case that I will turn down a cup. I'm sure there was a time when tea wasn't a huge part of my existence but I can't remember it very well. I'd kind of like to go back to that moment when I become a Tea Drinker and take a snapshot. But maybe it happened gradually. Most things do. A cup here, a travel mug there. Just socially, you know. Before it became a full scale addiction, a don't-talk-to-me-before-I've-had-my-tea type of problem.*

Problem? Did I say problem? I didn't mean that. What could be problematic about a warm hug in a mug?

I can't believe I just wrote that and yet I can't bring my finger to erase it. It stays. Maybe I should rename my blog, "Warm Hug in a Mug." That would attract the interwebs, I'm sure. At this rate, I don't really want attention but if I did, I now know how to attain it. Cheesy rhymes and tea rambles.

Day Four of BEDA: The day you collapse into a heap of nothingness and start rambling about tea. And then plead that you have to go to sleep and disappear mysteriously into the fog.

*disappears mysteriously into the fog*

What am I doing with my life?

*I'm not actually like that. Really.

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