Monday, April 1, 2013

a simple post

I know I don't know you. And even if I do, I don't really know you. I don't know what you eat for breakfast or what song you've been listening to on repeat most recently or what you think about in the shower. I don't know what unexpected thing made you smile today and I don't know what you're most looking forward to. I don't even know that anyone is going to read this at all.

For that reason, among others, it's hard for me to explain why exactly I've been posting things to this blog for the past five years. Yeah. Five years. My first post is dated March 12th, 2008. Back then, I wrote about Twilight and what an excellent procrastinator I was. Thank god my taste in books has evolved, if nothing else.

Five years. I still can't get over that. Today was not unlike one I probably would have experienced at thirteen, however. I slept until 10:30, the first time I've managed to sleep in all week, and then stayed in bed for most of the day reading a book (Why We Broke Up by Daniel Handler). I feel like starting and finishing a book in one day is something I did more when I was thirteen but I could be wrong. 98% of the posts I wrote in 2008 were about Twilight so I don't really want to go back there and poke around. I should probably take some of those posts down but there's something appealing to me about leaving them for the world to see. I am a person who legitimately loved Twilight for at least eight months and I am not ashamed of that. Okay, maybe I'm a little ashamed of it, but not enough to make my blog posts private.

This way, you can see how I've developed as a person, right? A ton of stuff about me has changed in five years. For example, most of my cells have replaced themselves. In two more years, I will be made up of a completely different arrangement of cells--nothing will be the same. Since 2008, I've written two novels, a screenplay and countless poems. I've fallen in love. I've travelled the West Coast of the United States. I've won a poetry slam. I've played music at an open mic. I've hosted a Philosophers' Cafe. I've been to a wedding. I've jumped off a telephone pole. Most importantly, I've stopped believing Twilight is the pinnacle of young adult literature.

I'm irrevocably grateful for that last one.

It's nice to have some written evidence that I have grown. I'm evolving as a person--check my blog for proof. And even though I don't really know you, reader (at least not in the same way that you know me, if you read this blog), I plan to keep writing. Maybe I'll figure out some more reasons why in the next five years.

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