Sunday, April 12, 2009

Promiscuous Women and Some Harry Potter Insight

This blog post is going to contain a lot of Harry Potter nerdiness. But it's already April 12th and I haven't written that much about Harry and that shows a LOT of restraint. So bear with me.

Lately Harry Potter (HP) has been the word around the house. There was a day many months ago when not a day would go by and before we had some sort of HP discussion. Even though the HP noise has died down, there's still the odd debate on which house is the coolest (the correct answer being Ravenclaw, even though it has the "snobby" stereotype--Rowling is completely biased!) and Maddy (my sister, if there are any of you reading who are not in the know) has recently broke out the Philosopher's Stone and is re-reading. 
After she finished of the first book we watched the movie and then she started on the second. That was on Friday. By the next day Maddy had finished the Chamber of Secrets and we got the treat of watching the movie together last night, all four of us sisters. 
Now living a house that knows Harry Potter backwards and forwards can be quite frustrating at times. We got Harry Potter Scene It a few years back for Christmas and we couldn't play with anyone else because we were so insufferably knowledgeable and competitive. We'd scream out answers before the question was finished and it was just aggravating. Buckets of fun, but still.
So when we popped in the second movie and all sat down on the couch, it's only natural that there would be some commentary that might irritate some viewers. But we thoroughly enjoyed criticizing and commentating the movie. 
Here are some of our notes of last night:
  • Gilderoy Lockhart is a boob.
  • You know in the dueling club when it flashes to the faces of the onlookers? There's this shot of Seamus Finnigan where he's totally thinking, "Yes! We're finally gonna see some ass whopping at Hogwarts!"
  • Lockhart will sacrifice his right buttock so that the students can be schooled on the art of dueling. (see above note on Lockhart)
  • Conversation between Lockhart and Dumbledore requesting permission for the club:
Dumbledore: Oh hello, Gilderoy. What's happening on the flip flop?
Lockhart: I was wondering if I could start a little dueling club with the students. You know, teach 'em how to fight off crumple horned snorcacks and such. I think I'm more than qualified for the job.
Dumbledore: *preoccupied* Sure whatever you say, my friend.
Lockhart: *leaves* (in corridor) YES! Oh man, this is going to be SO cool!
  • Hogwarts makes your eyebrows go insane. (examples of people who's eyebrows are being possessed by evil forces: Hermione, Harry, Ron, Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan, etc., etc.)
And now I will share with you a few theories that have never before been released to the public:
Bellatrix Lestrange is the mistress of Voldy. Face it, she's totally promiscuous in a weird, gothic sort of fashion. She's a total sadist which makes her appealing to Voldemort. That devotion she has to him, is totally more than loyal servant. You know I'm right. Rachel agrees with my on this. 

Another question to ponder:
How does anyone know what Voldy's name is anymore? I mean, if the parents, who originally knew his name, didn't disclose the information to their children, how do the children know? They don't even write his name in books. Harry could be brave and start saying his name and the rest of the students of Hogwarts would be like: what gibberish is he going on about now?

One more note:
In Harry Potter 1 (and possibly 2) Hermione was insufferable. I know she's really intelligent and wanted to prove herself as a witch but she was the kind of know-it-all that would annoy me. She kind of outgrew that but she was really irritating.

Now I'm going to answer a few (relatively) short HP related questions... and that will be all.

House? My house is Ravenclaw, even though I don't necessarily agree with with the main idea "wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure". Because man's greatest treasure is something a lot cooler than wit. Not sure exactly what is. But I'm figuring it out. 
The house thing is, of course, part of a great debate. Because Harry is in Gryffindor it seems that that house is usually set above the rest. It always receives the most attention and ever since Harry came to Hogwarts has won the house cup. There's a stereotype for all the houses. Slytherins are just evil or ambitious; Hufflepuffs are loyal and good friends (or stupid--it even says in one of the sorting songs that Helga Hufflepuff says she'd take the rest that were leftover when everyone else chose their picks); and Ravenclaws are smart and snobby. What's the negative quality of your average Gryffindor, one has to ask.
Bogart? Not sure what I'm most afraid of. There's ants, but that seems kind of silly. And I'm not a huge fan of the dark, but I'm more scared of what's in the dark.... I'm have to think about this.
Harry or Ron? Both have their faults. I always thought Ron was a bit of a rude pig head wanker, especially with her behavior towards Hermione in book 3 and towards Harry in book 4. Harry has faults as well of course, but overall I think I choose... Cedric. I know he died but he'd be my choice.
Quiditch position? I fancy the position of Seeker, but I'm not entirely sure. Not the Keeper, or the Chasers (too much pressure), but then again the Seeker has a lot of pressure too. I guess a Beater then... :)
Pet? I would have a cat. Or rather whatever
Crookskanks is. I don't remember the name... a kneazle! Yeah one of them.

As you can see, I really like talking (or writing) about Harry Potter. Hopefully it wasn't too boring for you. You might notice that this has been my longest post so far (I'm pretty sure). What does that say about me?

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