Friday, April 17, 2009

Buddies and Fake Alexandras

I got my BEDA buddies!! 
That sounded like they were sent to me in the mail. But no, they weren't. Or you weren't. It just occurred that you're probably reading this now. Hi, welcome to the blog.

For those of you who are not aware of BEDA buddies it was started on Monday... or perhaps Tuesday and is a way for BEDAers (or BEDAzzlers, as I read somewhere) to meet up and make friends and support each other through this perilous journey we have begun.

I signed up and now I have three new friends. Don't you just love friends??
This is where I promote the blogs of my buddies:

Okay now that, we got that over with, I will move on.

As I was scrolling down Maureen's blog today (a listing of the buddy assignments) I saw my name. I signed up on the ning as Alexandra M. because:

a) I've been trying to get Alexandra to catch on (not trying very hard, I will give you that) and
b) I wanted to make it easy for people to tell my gender.

See, normally, I'm known as Alex. I like Alex, it short and easy to spell and to the point. There's no extra syllables, there's an alternate spelling (Aleks or Alix), and it starts with an 'A' so alphabetical wise I'm usually called first (unless we're talking last names).

But there's something special about the name Alexandra. It's classy, it's substantial and yes, it's a mouthful but it's a lovely name. Can't you just imagine a Queen Alexandra or Lady Alexandra? What about Queen Alex? It's just not the same.

Changing names is rather difficult to do. It would be easier if I could just pack up my stuff and move, that way I could just introduce myself as Alexandra and everyone would call me that because they wouldn't know any better. Dealing with people you know?? Not as easy.

Even when I meet new people I hesitate introducing myself Alexandra. Because truthfully, it's not my name. A name (as I said in an earlier blog) is a label for a noun. My label is Alex, no matter what is on my birth certificate.

If I really wanted to be called Alexandra, I would put some effort into it, but I guess it's just not meant to be. So I'm going to change my name on the mj ning (if that's even possible).

I wish there was a word count function on these blog things. Not that I'm obsessing with length or anything. I'm totally not. And I'm going to stop right here, just to prove that to you.


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