Thursday, April 2, 2009

How Do Bloggers Blog? (BEDA)

The blog's been kind of dead for a while... Potential Excuses:
  1. My computer was eaten by a jaguar.
  2. Rats chewed through all the wiring in my house and we were without phone, Internet and power for a month.
  3. I've been extremely busy with my extremely important life.
  4. I haven't had any inspiration to write about.
  5. My computer reminds me of food and whenever I look at it I feel hungry and must thus go nourish myself.
Well as interesting as these excuses may be I think I'll go for option five which is:

    6. I haven't really felt like writing. :-(Not that that's really a bad thing it's just a fact.

But a wonderful opportunity has arisen: BEDA (Blog Every Day April)!!!! I was informed of this today through the 5AG (who heard about it from Maureen Johnson, who founded it) and though it's already the second day of April I don't think it will make that big of a deal in the grand scheme of the project. So the aim of this project is pretty simple: I will be posting a blog entry every day in April. I don't know if there's a word count limit, but I am going to do my best, even if it's just a tiny post.

Today I got up alarmingly early. Well alarming might be a bit much but I'm blogging so I get to exaggerate some. It was quarter to nine, I think, when someone knocked on the door. Hard. I could not fall asleep after that, sadly. So I had a muffin, and read in bed, and then went on my computer and basically did all my normal morning stuff.
I finished my puzzle and, wow, this sounds epically exciting. Seriously what do *real* bloggers write about? Day one and I am already writing about the Taj Mahal 500 piece puzzle I am working on. Honestly, Alex. Gah.

You know what really irritates me lately? Don't answer that... I will tell you though. People and absurd gestures. Exaggerations and over-cheerfulness. It just grates on my nerves like a cheese grater on flesh. Also the improper use of punctuation. I don't mind when people forget a comma here or there but the overuse of exclamation marks is downright vexatious! It reads like fake cheerfulness (see above) and enthusiasm! One thing more annoying than exuberance is fake exuberance! (see what I mean?)

I'm going to end right here. Check back tomorrow!!!!! (hehe, now I'm really enjoying myself)

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