Being April 30th today also means that it is the last day of BEDA.* As I said yesterday, I don't really have an fantastic ideas for blogging today. This is my 29th day of blogging in a row, which is quite a feat, in my book. The thing is, I feel like today is special, because it's the last day, and so I don't want to prattle on about something meaningless like I would on any ordinary day. Because today is far from ordinary. Today is extraordinary.
Instead I'm going to recreate some of the blogging tactics I have used this month. Some of which include listing, ranting, rambling and having no idea what I'm doing. Today is going to be a huge wrap up of everything. When I read a book, I like a clean ending, which I what I will TRY and provide here. Screw that, no one likes clean endings; as I have said before, life is MESSY. So scrap that, this blog is going to be as messy as any of my others. I think that's enough of an intro
What I have blogged about in April (A summary of my wonderings):
- Elections, violence and STV
- Birthdays (beachy, liquor filled, and glamourousness)
- Books (my insane* reading list; Jane Eyre, Jane Austen, etc. reading=awesome)
- Road use and the scary thought of driving
- Ranting from the view of random objects
- Promiscuous women and Harry Potter
- Bowling, dishes and noun labels
- Lots of other fun stuff.
One thing that I can really appreciate about this "experience" (I'm really beginning HATE that word) is that I have a lovely record of the things I did and thought about for the month of April 2009. Blogs seem sort of eternal, more so than journals even, and I like the fact that I'm be able to check back and read this in the future.
Which transitions me (a little more smoothly than usual) into my next subject. Time is a peculiar thing. It's so variable and diverse and ever-changing. For instance, it's moving right now. And you can never touch it, or change it, or have more of it. You just take what you get. I think about time a lot. I don't like it when people say something is a "waste of time", because obviously, if it were, the person wouldn't be doing it. Can we really waste something that is never ending? Wasting implies some sort of negativeness. Am I wasting my time right here, blogging? What's the point anyway? What am I getting out of this?
Are we wasting time all the time, whatever we do? Our lives are centered so much on the future. We go to school so we can get a job, and we work at our job to make money, what are we really trying to do? What is the purpose of us? I used to ask myself that a lot when I was a kid. It's crazy to think of an 8-year-old thinking "why am I here, on this planet?" "what's the point of everything?", but it's true, I was thinking those things.
Blogging every day has become a habit, part of routine and my life. It seems like I've been doing it forever, but it's only been 29 days. It's mind numbing. Sometimes time flies and sometimes it goes so slowly. Does time even exhist? Or is it just now, the present, that ever matters?
I'm going to leave this here, even though time is on my mind still.
I have no rant. I'm just happy, and anything that is irritating to me write now is either hiding, or just staying out of my way.
Vita's question:
Rena's questions:
Do ninjas have day jobs? What profession are the people you consider to be most ninja-y?
Yes, ninjas have day jobs. Have you ever met one of those people, perhaps in an antique store, that seems to be everywhere are once, watching everything, at the same time? Ninjas are great at their jobs, always on top of everything and able to cope with difficult situations. They're EVERYWHERE! Watching you...
You have one wish. Use it. No wishing for more wishes, no wishing for world peace/cures/end world hunger ect... it's cliche.
I always have the hardest time with wishes. Birthday cakes, those lame-o chain emails (maybe I'll rant about how LAME those are sometimes soon), whatever. I'm a bad wisher. I never know if I should wish for something big (for instance, um, winning the lottery), because I could be wasting it, or for something smaller (ex. that I will find some change on the ground and buy some gum). What's the point of wishing anyway (NOT going to get into that)? I'll wish for... damn it, I can't think of anything I want that doesn't seem too shallow. Okay I'll wish that the goddess of cleaning will be with my this week while my mother and older sister (primary house keepers--that was not meant in any offensive way, btw) go away on vacation. I need you cleaning goddess to guide me safely through this perilous seven days.
QUESTION: What is the weirdest thing you have ever done in public, or alternatively, what is the weirdest thing you have ever seen anyone do in public?
This question was a bit more troubling than the wish question for me. I feel like I never see any extremely insane acts being executed in public. Sure, I sometimes do some dancing to that strange music outside the mall exits, or skip down the road and do that thing where you hit your heels together, but nothing truly drastically odd. From this day on, I vow to do more strange things, to rectify this situation. We need to see more weirdos in public, so that more people will feel comfortable coming out of their shells. I will tell you a funny thing I saw some people *coughmysisterscough* do in public. My sister's embarrassing story:
One day we were walking home from the mall and we saw a vehicle that looked EXACTLY like our dad's drive down the street. We watched him go and were convinced it was our dad, he was wearing the same sunglasses and everything. So when he pulled into a parking lot we had to go over and say hi. Two people who will not be named ran up to the car and started doing that -gross- thing where you stick your mouth up to the window and blow air, so you look really stupid (I can't really describe it). So there they were, making out with the window and then a second later, they realized that (you guessed it) it WASN'T my dad in the car. It was some random dude who looked exactly like him.
I could stop laughing at them the rest of the way home. The guy in the car had started laughing and then they ran away. I followed, also laughing. It was amazing.
Oh a quick random thing I did that I just remembered: last October I learned and danced the routine from Micheal Jackson's Thriller video as part of a worldwide effort to break a Guinness World Record in front of city fall. That was pretty exciting.
I will be doing more crazy and public stuff, and will let you know my amazing stories once they have come about.
This is it for April. I'm debating whether I will blog tomorrow. I feel like I shouldn't, because then the significance of BEDA is gone. So I won't. Maybe the next day.
It isn't really an end. I hope you keep reading this, but I don't really care THAT much. I'll still keep writing, regardless if there's anyone out there who's interested enough to listen to me. I don't blame the people who don't care (although according to the window: hell is waiting for you, sinner). It's been good. I'll "see" you guys around.
*Unless we go with Rena's version of days in April in which tomorrow is the last day, with it being April 31st ;)