Saturday, April 9, 2011

this is not a blog

It kills me that I have next to nothing to say right now. Sure, I could talk about my weirdness some more, lament about how people are absurd and irrational or rant about one of many annoying facets of the state of the world today. I could talk about how it kind of kills my soul whenever I have to pack someone's groceries in plastic bags and how hard it is to keep myself from yelling, "Bring a cloth bag you insolent malefactor! I don't want to inherit your plastic wasteland!"  I could squee about Harry Potter and the DH pt. 1 coming out on DVD in less than a week or my seventeeth birthday which is to take place in 31 days or freak out a bit about my road test that's happening seven days after that. But honestly, I'm too tired.

What I will say, however, is that I'm almost finished reading Libba Bray's new book, Beauty Queens, and I'm really enjoying it.

After that my reading list looks like this:

  1. The Forest of Hands and Teeth  by Carrie Ryan
  2. Linger by Maggie Stiefvater
  3. Fishtailing by Wendy Phillups
  4. Incarceron by Catherine Fisher
  5. The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta

Plus, I'm really excited for John Green's book to come out in, like, a year.

p.s. If you weren't aware of why I forced myself to write this rather than, um, sleep, it's because I never mentioned I was doing BEDA. For you observant, in the know readers, I don't need to explain. For anyone else, I'm blogging every day in April. I'll be here five days a week and over at RP on Thursdays and Sundays.

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