Wednesday, April 13, 2011

silver lining

Tonight, I was at the Philosopher's Cafe, even though I might have been needed elsewhere. And usually, the demographic is pretty heavily 55+ but today I wasn't the only young person in attendance.

So I met this guy. I can taste what you're thinking but shut up. It's not like that, unless 'that' is two philosophically interested people* talking about stuff. It was so great, though, and I still can't seem to be rid of the smile on my face. Doesn't it say a lot about a person that they have a degree in philosophy? It was just so lovely to chat with someone who I felt like I was on the same page as. I'm still radiating giddiness at having talked to another young person who seemed socially conscious and philosophically aware. It's a high, I will tell you.

I didn't realize it until I was standing on the sidewalk outside the library in the dark, shivering, with a boy of reasonable intellect asking me if I related to my peers, that I've been staving for this type of dialog. I don't mean to make everyone else in my life sound insufficient because my friends are great and I have incredible conversations with my parents about all kinds of stuff. But, I don't know, I've become a bit cynical about my generation's supposed apathy and it was so refreshing to talk to someone who personified, in a way, the hope I've been looking for.

Is that too much to put on one person? Probably. In unrelated news, I used a lot of commas in this post, didn't I? Ah well, at least I know what a comma is.

I'll catch you on the flip side.

*who happen to be of opposite sexes

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