Monday, April 18, 2011

author signings and disillusionment

This blog comes to you in two parts but never fear, they are related. You should, of course, fear, because I am keeping up with my 18 day trend and writing this blog post when I want to be sleeping. BEDA is officially being reclassified as a sleeping disorder. Ah well, sleeping is for the... people who can come up with ends to their own goshdamn sentences because they got enough sleep last night.

Part One - Author signings
The reason I am home and blogging so late is that I was at Holly Black and Cassie Clare's Vancouver book signing tonight. (If you do not know who those people are, they are YA fantasy writers. More on Cassandra Clare in Part Two.) And there was a lot of people there. I didn't see/hear most of the talking and reading part but it was still worth it. It took a long time to leave, too, largely because the authors were personalizing two books per person and signing everything place in front of them. Plus a lot of talking to readers. We didn't leave until 10:30pm and we weren't even close to the end of the line.

But that's not the point. The point is that meeting the people who's books you have read and loved is almost a little anticlimactic. When you see that they're not superhero gods with magical writing powers but just people whose names and pen names grace many covers, it's kind of a weirdly personal moment. On one hand, you're somewhat starstruck and on the other, you feel like it's not a huge deal because they're just people with ideas that you happened to have enjoyed.

This wasn't the first book signing I've been to and it probably won't be the last but the novelty is still there. I hope the next one involves John, of the Green variety. Every live show I watch of his reinstates that I need to meet him. And I will. Someday.

Part Two - Disillusionment 
I changed my mind. Part Two will come to you tomorrow, as your regular scheduled blog post. Sorry if this is reminiscent of the Breaking Dawn final battle but I literally cannot think anymore. I promise to write during the day tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lucky you!

I would have loved to be there. :)