Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Unnecessary Information

First day I almost forgot to blog. And it's 10:30 and I'm tired so this is going to be a boring, Welcome To My Day Blog. Not that my day was boring, it wasn't, but it might be for you. I do not blame you if you stop reading this now. Honestly, I think I've done pretty well with the topics so far from school to Harry Potter to writing to book addictions so I totally deserve this My Day Blog.

7:08am Woke up. Late. scrambled into clothes, brushed hair briefly and looked in the mirror for a fraction of a second.
7:16am Left the house, sans breakfast. Got in the car and drove for around ten minutes.
7:29am Arrived at the parking lot before everyone including, but not limited to, the Japanese students, the other TAs, the bus and the homestay program coordinator. I wanted to be there early.
7:45am Most students were there. I avoided the eyes of my own group for fear that I would start to cry prematurely.
8:01am The bus drove away, the students crying inside and on their way to Vancouver for the day.
8:30am London Fog for breakfast. Yummy.
10:30am Worked out in the fields of the farm which is only a farm in my imagination and is more aptly described as a wild, slightly tamed garden. Picked blackberries. Got prickled by evil blackberry bushes.
11:44am Union scheduled tea break!
12:30pm More blackberries to be picked.
2:34pm Lunch of bun and butter and blackberries. Alliteration for the win.
3:39pm Used Google Calendars to synchronize social life with friends. There are no more secrets!
5:30pm Dinner of Indian food. Om nom.
6:07pm Sat around. What's next?
6:31pm Let's go to Tim Horton's (Timmy Ho's? T Ho's?)
7:01pm Loitered in Tim Horton's with nothing but a triple chocolate cookie and our dignity.
7:45pm Browsed through Shoppers Drugmart. Because we could.
8:22pm Went through my wardrobe with my unpaid intern fashion consultants (i.e. friends and sister) to pick out cruise clothes. My bed is now covered with clothes. Yay for being a girl?
9:15pm Friends left. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince starts.
10:30pm Blog gets written.
10:50pm BED!

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