Saturday, August 7, 2010

Sleepy dreams are sleepy

After seeing Inception tonight, I'm almost weary of going to sleep. Like, I know that in all likelihood some guy that looks vaguely like Jack from Titanic is not going to invade my dreams and point a gun in my face but some part of me is mildly worried that is exactly what is going happen*.

I feel like my dreams should be different after watching it. Like I'll start seeing the people in my dreams as projections and everything will start to be as clear as a movie. But I know it probably won't.

I won't know for sure until tonight, if I can remember my dreams at all. I can only speak for myself, but the way I usually dream is like a fuzzy room that only makes sense one piece at a time. I have to focus on each part to understand and remembering that dream in the morning is the same only harder. It's like I'm not discovering the dream but creating it as I go along and then discovering it, if that makes sense. My dreams aren't as clear as a movie, like the ones Ellen Page painted in Inception. They're blurry and disjointed, almost like a random sequence of events taking place in an as yet undefined world.

I can't help thinking that if I can remember my dreams tomorrow morning, they'll be somewhat different, influenced by this undeniably influential film.

It's really too late for me to go into a deep self discussion about the movie and it's reaching ideas and thought provoking concepts. Really, I think the movie gives us more questions than answers and that, I believe, is the sign of a truly amazing work of fiction. The thing about Inception was that there was quite a bit of action and gunshot and those kind of special effects but it didn't seem like there was because there was more than that. It wasn't just the gravityless effect that you were admiring (though that was intensely cool) but it was the combination of that with the suspense but also the intellectual side of things.

I guess there was something for everyone, especially those who love the crazy deep questions such as myself. And there's so much value in a movie that questions our deepest beliefs with concepts as immense as "What is real?" Maybe we'll never know the answers but it really is fun to think on.

*Not that I really have any secrets worth breaking into my subconscious for.

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