Friday, August 6, 2010

August 6ths of Random

This blog consists of many parts brought together by the beautiful magic of numbered lists. So enjoy:
  1. I always get the most response when I talk about school. This happens to support my idea that the top two topics for everyday conversation are school and the weather. Both things we supposedly all have in common. Is this normal?
  2. Today is the anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. I don't know much about this and I wouldn't even have known it was today if I hadn't been spending the week with a bunch of Japanese students. But, um, yeah. Sad events are sad.
  3. Tomorrow is Saturday. Why am I telling you this? Thought you ought to know. (In all likelihood, though, you're reading this on Saturday or some day after it so this whole part is useless but I'm not deleting it because at this point we going for filler, hence this amazing run on sentence.)
  4. John Green amazes me. Constantly.
  5. Today, I got as close to 7th grade as I think I ever will. I can't explain exactly, but think, 'my friend wanted me to tell you that she likes you. Also, truth or dare!'
That's all. I hope you enjoyed the unity and consistency of this blog post. (Have you ever tried to explain sarcasm to someone who's trying to learn English?)

kthnxbaigoawaynow ;)

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