Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Infinity and Beyond

Last night I slept in a field. This blog is late because there was no internet in the field. Go figure.

There's something magical about the stars. That's obvious. The night sky is fascinating. And so big. Last night as I was thinking of what I would write in this blog post, I thought the following:
I am in a field. I am sandwiched between two tarps and this is nice. That star is big. That star is moving. That's not a star. Why does that look like a UFO? Aliens! 
Wow. I'm so small. I'm so unbelievably, ridiculously tiny. Why am I here? How did this universe happen? Whoa. Deep. Do I even matter? What's the point? That thought sounds suicidal but it's so true. How can anything in my life have any relevance at all when there are places so far away in a universe so big I can't even fathom it?
Why here and now? What's going on? Whoa. I feel so small.

Because I am slightly obsessive, I had my sister start this blog yesterday, knowing that it would look like I had published it yesterday even though I hadn't because that's how Blogger does things. This turned out to be unnecessary because with the new Blogger you can schedule your blogs and how they appear.

Someday, maybe, I'll be looking through my blog archive and I'll have forgotten that on August 11 of Blog Every Day August, I technically did not blog. Technically. Then I'll read this and remember and we'll have come full circle and--oh my God--deja vu!

There's a distinct possibility that for a week this month I will not be able to blog. I have accepted this and though it saddens me, I'm beginning to be okay with it. Mostly. There may be posts if I can schedule them to be posted on the different days and if I decide I want to do that. I'm not sure if that defeats the point of BEDA but is there a point to BEDA? Is there a point to anything?

Having some major, Colin Singleton-esque issues right now. There will be another blog soon.

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