Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Random Thoughts Tuesday

Courtesy of Crazy Brained Rena (Uttering Nonsense)

Ponder this...
- Why can't I buy unicorn pinatas in bulk? I would love to take one of them out on a bad day and beat the crap out of it. And then eat candy.
- Why can't I go into any Starbucks in the entire world, order an ice coffee and then leave, satisfied? This may never happen. However, I still hope.
- Who invented the lawn? Seriously, what is the point of having grass in front of your house? I'd rather everyone plant tomatoes and I HATE tomatoes. That says something.
- How come I can force myself to write lowercase a's like the keyboard writes them, but every time I go and type chai tea latte, it comes out with an extra r?
- Why do people drink beer? It's disgusting. Ew. *vomits*
- Come to think of it, why do people drink wine? It's gross, too. *triestothinkofalchohalthattastesgoodbutfails*
- Just want to say I don't support teen drinking. Bad. Very bad. And gross.

Random commentary...
- I love Indian food, but there's very fine line of spiciness that must be met. I don't want it to be flavourless, but I don't want to have to run around outside with my mouth open to try and calm the flames. Stop, drop and roll, my friends, simply does not work in these cases.
- All I want (well, one of the things I want) is for people to bring own their damn travel cups to Starbucks. I think Starbucks should have a week where anyone who brings their own re-usable cup gets their beverage free. 10 cents off is not enough.
- I want to watch Gilmore Girls.
- My battery is low. 20% remaining. Shucks.
- I'm liking the math right now. Spreadsheets are easy and Excel 2007 makes them super easy. It's like it does half the homework for me.
- I'm hungry.

Human needs pull me away from my keyboard, but fear not, I will return. Someday.

1 comment:

Renata said...

You're moving?!

I wants teh pinata alsos.
Ah, Starbucks. They confuse me.
As does drinking. Why MAKE yourself a confused idiot if you weren't already one?