Tuesday, January 4, 2011

too nostalgic

My sisters are purported communists who like to say things like 'kidnapping' and 'smuggling' and 'firearms' at the border. They're the type to laugh too loudly in the movie theater and at the dinner table and walking down the street and even in the library that they frequent almost too often.
I feel way too nostalgic for sixteen. I've hardly lived at all--not true, but for argument's sake--and yet I dwell on the past as well as the present. Is it possible to be nostalgic for this moment and the fact that it won't last forever (only maybe it will)? I think I am.

January 4th might be a nice day to spend forever in. I almost don't want to write this, lest my life become some Groundhog Day-esque situation where I relive January 4th for all of eternity. But honestly, it wouldn't be too bad. Yes, it's cold and it would be a kind of torture to never go forward in time but still. We're all together, in one place at one time. There's money in the bank and very little in the cupboards that I can eat on a whim but that's fine. There are cheesy family pictures to be taken and vacant comfy chairs at Starbucks to be pushed together. There's 6:30 reservations and cheesecake for dessert. There's three sisters and two parents who will love me no matter what.

What more could I want/need/ask for? If today is as good as it gets, maybe that's enough.
"Forever has no meaning when you're living in the moment." - Impulse by Ellen Hopkins
p.s. It occurs to me that I haven't been very funny as of late. Never fear, readers, the year is young.

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