Friday, February 5, 2010

I Am Deranged

You know some days when you wake up and everything is going just fine and then you spend an inordinate amount of time staring at your computer screen and then everything falls to shit but then things start looking up and then everything is fine and then you're suddenly insane and laughing at everything?

Today is one of *those* days.

I couldn't even speak a minute ago.

Evidence of Crazy Times: A Conversation Between Me and My Sister

Me: You shouldn't leave your computer by your window. Someone could STEAL it!

Rachel: Yeah, because so many people walk through the backyard and by my bedroom window... [sarcasm]

Me: You'd be surprised.

Rachel: Really?

Me: Oh yeah. There was a random blond guy in the backyard yesterday. [said between laughter in a barely intelligible fashion] I thought he was Alana.

Rachel: [laughing and completely serious] Oh my God, I know who you're talking about. I saw him out the kitchen window when I was making lunch.

Me: I looked out the window and saw him rummaging in the chest and I thought he was Alana but Alana's in Florida and Alana wouldn't randomly sneak into our backyard and rummage through trunks. But then I realized he was a boy. Then I knew for sure it wasn't Alana. So I ducked out of sight until he was gone.

Rachel: ... [laughs]

To explain this, in case you are worried about people ransacking my backyard, please know that we share a backyard with our neighbours and we think it likely that they share a storage space with people on their karate team which is why people are sometimes back there. 'Neighbours who do karate?!' you ask... yeah, they're teaching us how to be ninjas.

I have to go get dressed or something. That's a great conversation ender, feel free to steal.

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