Saturday, January 2, 2010

It's not over yet

It happens to be a brand new year and for a while I have remarked on my general lack of contributing regularly to this blog so new year's intention nĂºmero uno is to blog more frequently here. This may turn out to be a little more difficult than I can comprehend at this moment seeing as how I have started a new blog in addition to this one and my biweekly gig at Raving Persuasions. Whatever. What is the point of resolutions if not to stretch your time to a bursting point? I'm also going to go to sleep earlier and read more books. Fancy that.

Will you accept it if I just start cataloguing my every thought when I have a spare moment? What is the lowest quality that is okay before you give up on me? I do have the added bonus of my new iPod so I can blog from this tiny little touch screen keyboard whenever the mood strikes me.

I'm so busy. Why do I do this to myself? I keep telling myself that it'll all calm down in February when I finish my English and math courses but it actually won't because I then will be starting my socials and science courses. Oh school, when will you end? What's that? School is speaking to me. It says I will get a respite in June if I'm finished by then but it will never really be over.

On a happier note there are some prospects of travel in my future. There is a possible pilgramage to Disneyland in the next week or, if not then, in the beginning of February. Also, Rachel and I are in talks of a backpacking trip to Europe around my 17th birthday which
may *seem* far away now bit really it's only a year. And a half.

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