Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I nab the hole from Rena

Sometimes I just get this strong urge to blog. Even when I'm at the library and this keyboard is insanely annoying I feel that pull to open up that familar blogging page and spew my thoughts onto the blank white abyss of emptiness. That is just how I feel sometimes. Sometimes I have nothing to say. But guess what? I'm blogging anyway. Not blogging just because you have no actual thoughts to transpose to the internet is so 2002. That is to say it is exceedingly lame.

This keyboard is really pissing my off. You have no idea how long it is taking me to write each of these sentences. Try writing with just two fingers and no functioning spacebar. That's how I feel right at this moment.

Now, for a game from Rena. I shall not use a letter from now one. Let we from now on eliminate that crazy letter between R and T. You know who I'm talking of? Goodbye, letter.

Today... damnit what I am attempting is hard. I feel for you, Rena, I really do. I think I picked the exact letter you picked. I hate the keyboard herewith a large part of my being.

What do you think of this following querry letter hook thingy? (Ye...ah, I'm a huge nerd who already began to think of querrying agent-plural de(letter)pite the fact that I don't have an actual ending that damn I can't think of a word that lackz my forbidden letter. Let we write the ending lackz ending.

(this hook will exclude the rule about the letter we talked of above. I wrote it before now.)

"Clementine, Bella and Ro have not been best friends fprever. Forever is a rather long expanse of time."

Huh? Huh? Catchy, right? I have to go now, but I feel that we have done holething good here today. I am certainlymad enough at this keyboard. I wonder what the librarianplural would do if I yanked it away from the computer and threw it at the wall...

No, I won't. Good idea though.

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