Sunday, April 15, 2012

birthday blitz

Today, April 15th, kicks off the birthday season in my house with my oldest sister turning twenty two. For the first time, I just realized that my sister's birthdays take place in chronological order throughout the year (my oldest sister having the first of the year in April and my youngest sister the last in September, with Rachel and I in between). WEIRD.

Anyway, because my mother was crafty, she planned for us all to be earth signs so that we would be compatible with and like her, zodiac-wise. And so we have the yearly string of spring birthdays, April 15th (she was born early and is an Ares, thus failing THE PLAN), April 20th, and culminating in my birthday, May 10th.

Fascinating, fascinating trivia, Alex. Thank you for sharing that with the internet.

No but seriously. Birthday season is here. When I think about my immediate friend group, it intrigues me to report that five out of eight of us are Tauruses. Five out of eight! Meaning that when I read my horoscope, I tend to think about it in relation to the majority of my friends. And I realize maybe that is a little weird.

But it's true. And now you know.

See, see? This right here is the downside of BEDA. Rambling pre-bed posts about my zodiac sign. What am I even?

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