Sunday, October 11, 2009

I'm a Popsicle (a survey)

Are you a sir or a ma'am?
I'm a Popsicle.

How do you feel when people call you sir or ma'am?
This only happened to me once when I was in a mall in Seattle and a woman was trying to sell me a cell phone plan. I'll be honest, it was kind of awkward. Then again, maybe she was talking to someone else and it's extremely weird that I responded.

Do you keep a diary or journal?

Not really. Sometimes I write stuff down in an unintelligible manner when I'm mad about killing people, but that doesn't happen too frequently.

What's the favorite thing about what you're wearing?

They have stripes which could mean three things: I'm a convict, I'm a baseball player, I'm a girl who likes stripy pajama pants.

What movie has the greatest soundtrack?
Juno, Love Actually, Pride and Prejudice, The Holiday. I'm sure there's more but that's all I've got at the mo'.

Do you watch educational TV (like National Geographic or Discovery)?

Only when my mom forces me. Being home schooled is a wonderful thing sometimes, but not after lunch when I have to watch Planet Earth.

Have you ever watched a local Christian channel?

We have a local Christian channel? Holy crap. No way!

Are you even Christian? If not, what is your religious affiliation?

This question is so lame. But I'll answer it anyway. No and not applicable.

Fiction or non-fiction?

Seriously? You have to ask?

What's so great about the city you live in?

Not much, not really. That's a lie. I'm sure there's tons of ways I could answer this question but I'm watching Supernatural and it's distracting.

Have you ever been confused about your sexuality?

Well there was that one girl with the cherry chapstick... but other than that no. Pretty damn clear.

What would have people labelled you in high school?

The most awesome girl ever in the entire world.

Do you dislike people who are different from you?

No. Unless there's something to dislike in the difference. For example I dislike people who don't care about the environment and kill kittens. But if you wear a yellow hard hat I'm going to give you a chance to prove yourself before I go about hating on you.

Were you a cute baby?

How do you feel about premarital sex?
I don't know how to phrase this. It's a funny way to ask something. How do you feel? Like, uh, I feel sad when I think about premarital sex. I guess I feel like if you're safe, it's all good. Go ahead. :)

Have you ever been a loner?

Kinda. I've sat on the bus alone, before. I've eaten lunch alone before. I never carried around a duffel bag. Depends on your definition, I suppose.

Do you like '80's music? (It's great!)

I wasn't alive in the 80's. I don't know what the music was like.

Have you, or would you ever smoke pot?

No and most likely not.

What do you think about harder drugs, like heroin, meth, and coke?

It's sad that people are unhappy with their lives and feel the need to escape using drugs. :(

Do you have asthma?

That's pretty random question. No.

Homosexuality: is it nature or nurture? Or just a straight out choice?

Is being a girl nature or "nurture"? Oh wait, let me think: should I be gay today? Homosexuality is a fact, not a choice.

What's the awesomest planet? (Besides Earth.)

Honestly? I refuse to answer this on principle.

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