Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It's Wednesday. It's Wednesday and I'm tired of writing and I have a crick in my neck and discomfort in my back and my eyes are staring to commit suicide from having stared at this screen for so long and my butt is numb. In short, my body is revolting. Needless to say, it's time to get away from the computer and yet I sit here still, blogging the pain away. Only I can't blog the pain away because I'm not *that* good of a blogger.

Apparently Wednesdays aren't a lot of fun. Nothing exciting ever happens on a Wednesday. No RP blog. No livingroomninjas vlog. No weekend. No 'T'. It's a little upsetting.

But let's not be sad, okay? No, let's do some pilates and some yoga and meditate until you feel better. That's what you get, kay? Pretend everything is cool.

I have no idea where I've gone with this but I'm going now due to the fact that I think my body will actually hate me if I continue any longer with this machine on my lap and these fingers at these keys.


1 comment:

Renata said...

Whenever I try to makeover my blog it goes various degrees of wonky. **I use templates, though, so I don't have to manipulate the HTML that much. This could be considered cheating to the more critical side of my brain.** I love your layout; it looks like a mosaic/watercolor and 'tis pretty. (Actually, you've inspired me to tweak my own. I picked it on a whim because it looked like pajamas, but now it's kind of dark.)