Friday, May 8, 2009


I have a bit of a problem here, reader. You see I've started up this Made of Awesome group blog with my BEDA buddies, which I am supposed to post blogs bi-weekly on Thursdays and Sundays.

That, however, is not the problem. The blog itself, Raving Persuasions, is completely awesome and I'm really excited about it. The problem is, that I don't know what is going to happen to this blog. I don't know if I want to post my blogs on both of the blogs, but I might do that anyway.

I've had this blog for so long, I started it in March of 2008. That's a year and a bit. How long have you ever kept writing something for a year? 

I want to bring back some memories from those days of blogging, simply because 1. I need to prove how much my blog skills have improved and 2. I need to show you how much things change (namely my obsession with Twilight).

This is an excerpt from my first ever blog post:

So what else is there? Right, books. I love to read. Reading is the best, you can go anywhere with books and I try to explore different genres though my favourites are vampire romances. Well just one favourite. Three words: The Twilight Saga. One word: Love. If you havn't read Twilight or it's sequels I order you to stp reading this right now.... I mean right now..... stop reading. Go read Twilight by Stephenie Meyer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to stop writing now so you can read it. Get it from your library or buy it! Trust me it's worth it!!!!

Look at all those exclamation points. I write like an insanely deranged and obsessive teenage girl. Which I suppose I was at the time. Back in that time, I used to end my blog posts with "Alex loves you!!" and write about things like America's Next Top Model (how lame it was--I wasn't a completely different person) and how hot Robert Pattinson was and about how I met Avril Lavign's drummer (which I actually didn't, he was some creeper PRETENDING to be Avril Lavign's drummer). The amount of sentences ended like this!!! is astounding.

I wrote about some noteworthy things, like global warming when I had just seen An Inconvenient Truth, and my issues with Girl Guide cookies, but most of it was about Twilight. I know, it's sad.

One thing I did notice, is that the month I blogged the most in last year was April. There were 17 blogs written by me in April, and though they weren't as long as the ones I wrote for BEDA, it was still significantly more blogs than I wrote any other month. I guess I was in training or something. Haha. BEDA training ;)

I have to stop reading my old blogs because I pass out due to the inferiority of my past writing. If you're interested in a laugh or seeing how much things change I recommend you check out the archives of my blog. I just have to say, I've come a long way since March 17, 2008.

Another charming blog finish:

Signing out! -Edward's water bottle (aka Alex)

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