Wednesday, September 18, 2013

fontal punishment

Sometimes I desert my blog for months and then when I go back to check on it everything is in COMIC SANS. -gasp- I know. The world is a scary place.

Needless to say, I have learned my lesson. So...

I'm back!!!!1!!!1! -jazz hands-

I just remembered the fact that, when I write blogs, I'm mainly just talking to myself and posting it on the internet and then when I find out that people have read it (usually in the form of me trying to tell someone something and them being like, "Yeah, Alex, I know. I read it on your blog") it makes me feel really weird and then I don't post anything for months. I think that's ironic but I STILL DON'T KNOW.

-sigh- I am a really weird blogger. And general human being person.

Today was also weird. I bought some pens and then I sat in a coffee shop for a couple hours thinking about what I'd be doing with my life in a year. And then for the rest of my life. Then I went to the library to look for books on human sexuality, which I intend to write a paper about! Yay college!

This is not interesting. Yet I know that someone will probably read it. Mostly because this blog is probably still Rachel's homepage. Unless she gave up on me. Wait, it's her homepage on her account on my computer, which I now have, eight hours away from her. Maybe no one will read this. -maniacal laughter-

How many years later...?... and I still have no idea how to blog...



#can't be tamed

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