Thursday, July 29, 2010

Epic HTML Success!

Ever get that feeling where you're trying to revamp your blog but you can't figure out how the hell HTML works and then you work really hard and read a lot of 'How To' blogs and you still can't get it, so you give up for a short while and then you go back and figure it out and you're so freaking proud of yourself that you can't even speak?

No? It's just me that gets that way? Weird.

Well, whatever. It's a great feeling. I was trying to get that header to be centered and it wasn't cooperating and even though I basically read a blog that said 'paste this code here' and I did it, I'm still totally proud. I pasted that code there and now it's beautiful and pretty.

So what do you think? Like the new layout? Did I sell my soul to Blogger? Comment with your opinion and HTML horror stories. We HTMLosers have to stick together. Also, when was the last time you were undeniably proud of yourself?

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